How do I prepare for a warehouse interview?
Don’t be fooled into thinking that a warehouse interview is any less important than any other interview.
Just because you are not walking into the lobby of a state of the art corporate power house for a high flying legal career interview, that does not mean that you don’t have to put in the effort, if anything, you need to work harder! The competition in the warehouse industry is fierce, with hundreds of applicants with varying levels of experience and skills all competing for a position with only a few jobs to go around.
To prepare for a warehouse interview there are 5 key areas that you should be thinking about;
1. Clothing
It’s true that you don’t need to wear a suit, but ideally you also wouldn’t turn up to your interview wearing ripped jeans & an Avengers t shirt.
Outside of the corporate powerhouse, smart casual is always the general rule.
- Plain trousers are a better choice than jeans
- Polished trousers are a better choice than trainers
- Collared shirts are a better choice than t-shirts
You don’t need to spend a fortune on a new outfit, you probably have something suitable in your wardrobe already, but if you don’t have anything and you don’t have the money to buy something then forget the outfit, wear the best of what you have.
It is much more important that you actually go to the interview, regardless of your clothes, so don’t let an outfit put you off trying to get a job, you are not what you wear.
2. Evidence
There is a good chance that in a warehouse interview, what will set you apart from the competition is the licenses and operators cards you hold. To show how organised and prepared you are make sure you have them to hand in your interview.
What do you need to take with you?
- Driving License
- Operators Cards
- Employers References
3. Practice
Nerves have a lot to answer for. When you feel under pressure to impress, even the most outgoing people can freeze and stumble over their words. Take the time to practice your answers to common questions, so you feel comfortable with the answers ahead of the interview.
Questions you might be asked
- Why do you want to work here?
- What relevant experience do you have?
- Why would you be a good choice for this role?
4. Prepare
Some of the most important information for the role will be in the original job description and if you can refer to the specific information when you answer questions you will show that you are knowledgeable and well prepared.
So, before you go to your interview read the job description again thoroughly and familiarise yourself with the following:
- The keywords they have used
- The specific role duties they have listed
When you answer questions try to use the same keywords and refer to the role duties they have listed, for example,
- I am organised and can work under pressure
- I have experience in working to deadlines and targets
- I am reliable and hard working
- I pay close attention to detail because accuracy is important, even when I am under pressure to work quickly.
5. Research
Towards the end of the interview you will usually be asked if you have any questions. Desperate for the interview to be over so they can get out of the room, many candidates will miss out on this opportunity to make a great lasting impression and just say no.
This is your chance to show that you are in this for more than just a pay cheque, so do a bit of research into the company before hand and take the time to ask a couple of questions.
Things to research
- What do they do?
- Who are their key customers?
- What are their key values?
Questions you could ask:
- How do [insert company name] work alongside staff to uphold the company values?
- What career progression opportunities do [insert company name] offer?
- Do [insert company name] provide or encourage team building and social events for staff?
If you work through the 5 key areas above, you will be more than prepared for your warehouse interview. Good luck!