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5 reasons to work in hospitality and catering at Christmas

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Who would have thought that Christmas would be a great time to work in hospitality and catering? Most would opt to steer well clear but despite every shift consisting of never ending food orders, a rowdy Christmas party and a boisterous table of 20 dysfunctional family members, hospitality is for many the best industry to work in during the holiday season.

While workers in most other industries are winding down for a break over Christmas, hospitality and catering staff are cranking up their energy in preparation for an intense couple of months filled with Christmas crackers, bad jokes, miles of tinsel, Bublé’s Christmas album on repeat and more pigs in blankets then you can shake a sticky candy cane at.

We could come up with a million and one awkward Christmas puns that Yule be laughing at all year in an effort to encourage you to hold on for deer life and sleigh at your job this Christmas but we know that you already believe in your elf and hospitality and catering is snow laughing matter.

Instead here are 5 great pun free reasons to shed the dodgy Christmas jumper, don your Chef whites or server’s uniform and get stuck into Christmas like never before.

1. Money, money, money

In the UK alone we spend around £4.9 million on festive nights out and it is all hands on deck to help feed and water the masses who are set to descend on pubs, hotels and restaurants. No matter what your job is, Chefs, Kitchen Porters, Servers and bar staff are always in high demand and shifts are plentiful.

2. Tip top tips

Collecting tips throughout a shift can really add a boost to your income, Festive cheer, flowing wine and great food seems to bring out the generosity in customers with the hospitality industry set to take an extra 20 million in tips over the holiday period.

3. In at the deep end

Starting work in the hospitality and catering industry at Christmas is a little bit like jumping into a pool of brandy cream and Babysham without a life vest. This is the perfect opportunity for a crash course in your chosen profession, you will learn more over the Christmas period than at any other time in the year.

4. Be merry

The majority of people you work with and serve at Christmas are going to be festive, happy, bubbly and above all, sympathetic. Not many customers complain about long wait times and slightly overdone Brussel sprouts when there is so much festive cheer and they feel bad for those working around them. Make the most of it, come the new year you can bet your bauble that people will be back to resting Grinch face in no time.   

5. Use stress to impress

Christmas shifts are by far the best opportunity to impress your boss. While those higher up are stressing about customers, budgets, orders and staff levels you can take every chance to be the most helpful Christmas Elf like staff member you can possibly be. When the last cracker has been pulled and the decorations come down your boss will remember who went over and above to help out and give the customers the best possible festive experience.

If we have convinced you that there is snow better place to be then you can browse and apply for Christmas catering jobs

Already have a job? Share this article with your friends and have your elf a Merry Christmas!


Independent. Gemma Francis December 2017 [Internet] Lorna Sylvestre. November 2019 [Internet]