4 Steps to Warehouse Career Success
You have found yourself working as a warehouse operative but you are not quite sure how you ended up here.
Chances are, you took a temporary role without much thought into where it could lead, perhaps you were simply motivated by the need for an income, after all, we all have bills to pay. But now you have settled into your shift pattern and you are earning a regular wage you have the chance to look at the opportunities you have to turn this job into a career.
What may be a temporary or entry-level position now can pay dividends in the future, this is your opportunity to scope out your working environment and the various roles that are around you, from operatives to forklift drivers, team leaders, stock controllers, administrators, managers and inspectors, this is one industry that really does have it all under one roof.
At first glance it may not look like you are in control of your future, after all, how are you supposed to see beyond your next shift when after an exhausting day all you want to do is fall into bed in a heap because you know that tomorrow brings more of the same. But the truth is, whether you intend to or not, you have landed yourself on a path that could lead to a long and rewarding career that brings a great salary and a heap of transferable skills. All it takes is a little bit of vision to see the career paths that are laid out before you.
Do you have what it takes to lead a team? Can you stay calm under pressure and draw out the best from your co-workers? If so, then perhaps your path is leading you to becoming a team leader, a shift supervisor and up to the top in warehouse management.
Perhaps you have a knack for all things organised, a place for everything and everything in its place is the motto. Can you see the strengths and weaknesses in a system and instinctively know how to make it better? If so, then maybe warehouse administration and stock control is where you should be setting your sights.
A little-known gem in the world of warehousing is that of quality checking. If you have high standards, a keen eye for detail and know the value behind ensuring only the very best products reach the customers then this could be the route for you.
Whichever route you choose our 4-step approach to career progression is the key to taking control and turning your warehouse job into a career.
1. Stop
You will have noticed already that staff levels in a warehouse turnover really quickly, people come and go, often after only a week or so in the position so it is no surprise that those who stick with it are highly prized members of the team. Experience is everything. How much time you have under your belt is your number one asset so stick with it.
2. Listen
Keep your ears open, make this business your business. What are the company plans? Are they hiring, are they expanding? Are they short of skilled staff? If so, they may be willing to put you through training to increase your skill level and fill the gap without needing to take on new staff members. Is this your chance to get your forklift license and enjoy a pay bump?
3. Speak
Talk to your supervisors, make it clear that you are willing to learn, to train, to try new things. Be open about your ambitions and where you see your career leading you. They can only help you and make the most of you if they know what you are thinking so don’t be shy.
4. Act
Work hard and strive to hit your targets. Being punctual and reliable goes a long way, management will always know who they can trust to get the job done and a reputation for hard work and reliability will stay with you throughout your career.
If training is offered, take it! Being multi skilled and cross trained makes you a valuable member of the team, you will have many opportunities for additional shifts. Knowledge and experience lead to opportunities for seniority.
By applying these 4 easy steps to success you place yourself on to a career track, you shift your thinking into one of productivity and momentum and you are well on your way to securing your warehouse career.